Take the Linda Le Kinff Quiz

French artist Linda Le Kinff has traveled the world, created art for celebrated sports events and mastered many techniques. Test your knowledge about Le Kinff and her artwork with our newest [...]

The Timeless Style of Linda Le Kinff

Examine the art of Linda Le Kinff – notice anything missing? Amidst the elegant clothing, colorful settings, and musical instruments, there are no signs of 20th-century technology in her artwork. [...]

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Green Park West Gallery Artwork

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! To celebrate, we have put together a small gallery of artwork from our talented Park West Gallery artists to showcase the endless ways the color green is used in [...]

Linda Le Kinff: The Traveled Artist

Linda Le Kinff has traveled the globe, seen its wonders and learned a myriad of techniques that she has fused together to bring the world to her collectors through art. Le Kinff began her career [...]

Park West Presents “The Poetic World of Linda Le Kinff”

Enter a colorful world of elegant dresses, resplendent concerts and curious cats as Park West Gallery presents an exhibition featuring the artwork of acclaimed French artist Linda Le Kinff. Park [...]

The benefits of taking a vacation

Studies have revealed that Americans tend to avoid vacations due to fear of losing their jobs or simply feeling they can’t do so, but we’re here to say that you deserve some time away. We have [...]

18 Park West artists who capture romance in art

On Valentine’s Day, we often think of hearts, boxes of chocolate, or jewelry. However, few mediums (or gifts) could more fully express the many nuances of love and romance than art. Whether it’s [...]

Linda Le Kinff exhibits at Carrousel du Louvre

Having created official artwork for the World Cup and the Kentucky Derby, Park West artist Linda Le Kinff can now add exhibiting her art at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris to her [...]

Celebrating Mother’s Day with 7 artists

Mother’s Day is all about celebrating motherhood and maternal bonds, whether it is one’s own mom, grandmother, sister or other loved one. Read on to see how some of the Park West Gallery artists, [...]

Auctioneer Spotlight: Travis Rizzo and Liezel van Heerden

Many of our Park West collectors develop friendships with the art teams over the course of their land or sea vacations. Here’s a chance to get to know them more as they share their favorite [...]

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