Tired of Winter? These 12 Works of Art Will Remind You Summer is Almost Here
While it may technically be spring, in many parts of the world right now, it feels like winter never ended. According to the Washington Post, it’s been the coldest April EVER in the U.S. Midwest. Four nor-easter storms hit New York and America’s East Coast this year, and there’s even speculation that Australia could be in for its “coldest winter on record.”
At this point, we could all use a little sunshine. If you need some brightness and warmth in your life, but summer is still two months away, art may be the solution to your problem.
Art has the amazing ability to make you forget about your surroundings and draw you into a whole new world of memories, sensations, and emotions. Even if it’s snowing outside, you can look at a painting of a sparkling blue sky and remember what it feels like to stand in the sunlight. At the very least, you might remember what it feels like to not be cold anymore. It might be time for you to finally put away your snowy landscapes and embrace the power of summer art.
If you’re yearning for warmer days and sunnier skies, here are 12 works of art from Park West artists that will remind you why summer can’t come soon enough this year.
If you could use some summer art in your life, Park West can help. Our collections span every season and every type of art you can imagine.
To collect works from any of the artists featured in this article—or any other artist Park West represents—contact our Gallery Sales team during business hours at (800) 521-9654 ext. 4 or sales@parkwestgallery.com after hours.