Collect Salvador Dalí’s Spellbinding Biblical Works in Our Latest Fall Sale

Detail from “Asperges me hyssopo et mundabo (You will sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be cleansed).” From “Biblia Sacra” by Salvador Dalí
Salvador Dalí was one of the most captivating and challenging artists of the 20th century. While many remember Dalí for his notorious reputation, far fewer remember that Dalí was a deeply spiritual man and he frequently used his singular Surrealist perspective to illustrate scenes taken straight from the Bible.
For a limited time, Park West is offering an exciting collection of 30 graphic works by Dalí—each one showcasing Dali’s unique take on iconic religious moments.
After the release of the definitive book on Dalí’s illustrative works—Dalí: Illustrator by Eduard Fornés—Park West has slowly started to release selections from our extensive collection of Dalí art. Park West has been dealing in Dalí artwork since Dalí was alive and creating and has one of the most thoroughly documented and authenticated collections of Dalí art in the world.
Six of the works from our new Fall Sale come from Dalí’s “Biblia Sacra“—an incredible series of watercolors offering Dalí’s surrealistic depictions of key events from the Bible.

“Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum (Away with him, away with him, crucify him).” From “Biblia Sacra” by Salvador Dalí
The Biblia Sacra project began in 1963, when Dr. Giuseppe Albaretto, a devout man and famous art patron, commissioned his friend Dalí to create original illustrations for a new edition of the Bible. Dr. Albaretto knew that the project would require Dalí to study the Bible, and he hoped this would bring the infamous artist back to God.

“Gloria vultus Moysi (The Glory of Moses’ Face).” From “Biblia Sacra” by Salvador Dalí
The Biblia Sacra suite consists of 105 mixed-technique, color lithographs created from 105 watercolors painted by Dalí between 1963 and 1964.
The six lithographs offered in this new sale feature scenes ranging from Jesus throwing the moneychangers from the temple to Jesus’ last moments on the cross.

“Asperges me hyssopo et mundabo (You will sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be cleansed).” From “Biblia Sacra” by Salvador Dalí
The rest of the graphic works from this collection come from the engravings Dalí created to illustrate Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century poem “The Divine Comedy,” which follows the author through the Christian afterlife. The poem is split into three sections: Hell (Inferno), Purgatory, and Heaven (Paradise).
Beginning in 1951, Dalí embarked on a fourteen-year project to create original engravings illustrating Dante’s epic poem. His attention to detail was meticulous—Dalí created over 100 watercolor studies, worked tirelessly with his publisher, and even personally approved the more than 3,000 woodblocks used for the engravings.

“Uproar of the Glorious Corps (L’eclat des corps glorieux).” From “Divine Comedy – Paradise 12” by Salvador Dalí
The final result was a series of 100 breathtaking engravings bringing the classic poem to life. Park West’s new Fall collection features over 20 engravings from the final “Divine Comedy” suite.
These exact same engravings are currently touring the United States in the acclaimed museum exhibition, “Salvador Dalí: Stairway to Heaven,” sponsored by the Park West Foundation.

“Meeting of the Two Groups of Lechers (Recontre de deux troupes de luxurieux).” From “Divine Comedy – Purgatory 26” by Salvador Dalí
The traveling exhibition, which broke attendance records at Louisiana’s Hilliard University Art Museum, will next be appearing at the San Antonio Main Art Gallery at the University of Texas from October 16 to November 15.
This limited-time collection truly showcases Dalí’s legendary talent as he interprets iconic religious scenes through his own unmatched artistic vision. Park West is proud to be able to share both Dalí’s Biblia Sacra and Divine Comedy with our collectors.

“Announcement of the Grand Event (L’Annonce d’un grand evenement).” From “Divine Comedy – Purgatory 30” by Salvador Dalí
As an added bonus, with every purchase of a Dalí graphic work, collectors will also receive a free copy of the book Dalí—Illustrator. Written by Dalí expert Eduard Fornés with a foreword by Daniel David, the director of Les Heures Claires, this book is the comprehensive history of Dalí’s illustrative works.
“The market for collecting fine artwork has never been more active and the collector base more global,” says Park West Gallery Director David Gorman. “Never in history has there been more value placed on human creativity. Salvador Dalí is the right master at the right time, and Dalí collectors have been waiting a long time for this moment.”
If you’ve ever wanted to collect works by a master like Dalí, now is the perfect time. For more information on the art of Salvador Dalí, contact our gallery consultants at (800) 521-9654 ext. 4 or at after hours.