In Art & Gallery News, Hawaii Museum

In the lush paradise of Hawaii, magic happens not only through the natural beauty of the islands but also through the hearts of a united community. This year, at the Wish! Heroes Unite 2024 Gala, Park West Gallery proudly stood as a corporate sponsor for Make-A-Wish Hawaii, to help bring hope and joy to local children facing critical illnesses and help raise over $300,000 for Make-a-Wish Hawaii.

Park West Gallery, renowned for its exceptional art and philanthropy, pledged to match donations up to $25,000 at this year’s gala. This generous contribution will support the dreams of Hawaii’s keiki (children), turning their heartfelt wishes into reality. Additionally, the gallery has donated five incredible pieces of art, each carrying the potential to transform lives. The proceeds from the auctioned artworks will go towards granting wishes.

Park West Gallery’s sponsorship aligns with the core pillars of Make-A-Wish Hawaii: Strength, Hope, Transformation, and Community. By supporting Make-A-Wish Hawaii, Park West Gallery reinforces a shared commitment to creating a supportive, hopeful, and transformative community.

The Wish! Heroes Unite Gala is more than just an event; it is a celebration of courage, resilience, and community. The evening will honor the real heroes—wish children and their families—who face unimaginable challenges with unwavering bravery. These young warriors inspire us all with their stories of hope and perseverance.

As the community gathered for this special night, it was an unforgettable celebration of life-changing wishes and the extraordinary heroes. Attendees experienced the joy of giving, the beauty of art, and the power of community as they came together to make dreams come true.
In the spirit of aloha, we came together to celebrate and honor our wish heroes, creating a brighter, more hopeful future for the keiki of Hawaii.

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