6 Secret Art Ports

When you think of cities that are known as great art ports, places like New York, Paris, and Rome are some of the typical locations that come to mind. Well, you might be missing out! Some smaller [...]

Picasso artwork – stolen or gifts?

In a delayed verdict, Pablo Picasso’s former handyman and his wife have been ordered to return 271 “lost” works of art and are facing a two-year sentence. BBC News reports that Pierre Le Guennec, [...]

Missing Picasso passed off as an “art craft”

After missing for more than 10 years from Paris, a 1911 painting by Pablo Picasso reappeared in New York disguised as an “art craft.” According to CNN, Picasso’s “La Coiffeuse” (The Hairdresser) [...]

Autumn de Forest wows collectors in Boston

Along with painting like a learned master, Park West Gallery artist Autumn de Forest has the confidence of an accomplished speaker and the youthful energy to go with it. The 13-year-old artist [...]

The Armory Show celebrates 102 years

This week marks the 102nd anniversary of the opening of the The Armory Show, one of America’s most important art exhibitions. From February 17, 1913 to March 15, 1913, the International [...]

Top 7 Ports for Art Lovers

Park West Gallery loves art and travelling so we have compiled a list of our top ports to experience world-class art. Below are seven ports that are home to exceptional works of art—all within a [...]

An Introduction to Picasso’s ‘Suite Vollard’

Learn about one of Picasso’s most important sets of etchings.

The British Museum Becomes First to Publicly Display Picasso’s ‘Suite Vollard’ in its Entirety

The British Museum is displaying Pablo Picasso’s “Suite Vollard” in its entirety, free to the public.

Park West Gallery CEO on Sydney University’s Fundraising Picasso Sale [Podcast]

Albert Scaglione recently spoke to 1240 WJIM to provide expert insight into this recent art world news headline.

Artist Birthdays, October 25 – Pablo Picasso

Today's artist birthdays.