Decoding the Durer in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol

If you’re curious about that Albrecht Dürer print that pops up on page 263 in The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown’s latest bestseller, you can hop over to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and find it [...]

Park West Gallery Fall Collection

With the holiday season right around the corner, the Park West Gallery Fall Collection was put together with the discerning shopper in mind.

Mirό of Majorca

The Teloglion Foundation and the Foundation Pilar i Joan Mirό of Majorca present one of the artist’s greatest exhibitions in Greece, Mirό of Majorca.

Artist Birthdays October 6 – ROMERO BRITTO

Today's artist birthdays.

90 Years of Vogue Covers on the Champs Elysees

French Vogue is celebrating its 90th anniversary with a retrospective entitled Vogue Covers.

Artist Peter Max Receives Preserve Putnam Award for Charity Work

World-famous pop artist Peter Max and his wife Mary appeared at the Tilly Foster Farm in Brewster, N.Y. to be honored for a life's work in charity.

Miami Artist Britto Designs Parking Meters to Help Homeless

Romero Britto has designed parking meters, which will be installed in several areas throughout downtown Miami.

New Exhibit Demonstrates Japanese Influence on Western Printmaking

The Saint Louis Art Museum presents Japonisme in the Graphic Arts, an exhibition of 10 works on paper demonstrating the impact that Japanese color woodblock prints had on Western printmaking in [...]

Private Rockwell Collections of Lucas and Spielberg To Go Public

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, two of America's most successful filmmakers, have combined their collections of the art of Norman Rockwell, one of America's most celebrated illustrators, for [...]

Artist Birthdays September 30 – LUCIEN LEVY-DHURMER

Today's artist birthdays.