Artists / Grediaga Kieff

Grediaga Kieff

Grediaga Kieff


Born in Madrid, Kieffโ€™s early years were spent in the harsh tumult of the Spanish Civil War. Surrounded by uproar, fury, violence and explosion, his home was ruthlessly transformed, almost daily, into an air-raid shelter.

The image of Kieffโ€™s father marked his childhood with an irremovable scar. He remembers a man with his hands in chains, to whom his mother and siblings passed food through the iron bars of his cell. Eventually his father was freed and the family settled in Madrid. At school, Kieff showed himself to be extremely gifted in drawing and he sold portraits in the streets for mere pennies. As Kieff grew older, he worked in his fatherโ€™s furniture and sculpture restoration shop. During this time, he pursued studies in architecture, drama, singing, piano, and guitar.


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