Albert Scaglione speaks to StartupNation Radio about Park West Gallery

Park West Gallery founder and CEO Albert Scaglione spoke with StartupNation Radio about entrepreneurship.
Park West Gallery founder and CEO, Albert Scaglione, spoke with Jeff Sloan and Norm Pappas from StartupNation Radio about building Park West Gallery from the ground up.
“If you have the passion and you have this unique special thing that you feel you need to bring along,” he said. “That’s when it really starts.”
The show focused on how people can become successful entrepreneurs. Scaglione told the radio hosts that success can be measured by the amount of money someone makes, but believes there is more to it than a dollar amount.
“If you never make a huge amount of money, but you’re living your life the way you really love to live it, and you operate out of your home with independence and freedom and with the ability to produce the best you can produce, satisfying your own self internally, you’ve got it all.”
He cautions that the “road to success is a road strewn with failure,” but the key is to have fast failures, meaning people should try things and experiment, and if they fail, move onto the next idea or phase. Overall, he says the biggest aspect of being an entrepreneur is to work hard.
Listen to the full interview here…
Albert Scaglione founded Park West Gallery in 1969 and is its Chief Executive Officer. Albert is as passionate about people as he is about art. Before founding Park West, Albert began his career as a mechanical engineering sciences college professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. His vision of a new way of bringing art to the world has been transformational, with over one million customers now able to enjoy the experience of collecting artwork through his ingenious efforts.