Something More Human Presents: Weapons Grade Imposter Syndrome

 In Art & Gallery News

While their styles will differ, from the sculptures of Romero Britto and Nano Lopez to the rock and roll paintings of Michael Godard and Risk, every artist, to find success in the world, must eventually confront and do their best to conquer imposter syndrome. John Block, Park West Gallery’s Chief Operating Offer, also knows all about that pervasive feeling of being a fraud despite concrete evidence to the contrary.

Block says he was excited to share his story in conversation with Sam & Elliot from the successful podcast Something More Human because “we covered everything from imposter syndrome to fear of failure to knowing when you’ve outgrown relationships.”

Appropriately enough, John Block felt a tinge of imposter syndrome right off the bat as the podcast hosts announced that he was the guest at the first-ever live episode of Something More Human. That’s enough to shake the confidence of anyone, let alone someone who has and still at times continues to suffer from imposter syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome is the belief that you don’t deserve to have a seat at the table, even when you’re currently at the head of it. Block jokes that he comes from the great seafaring state of Iowa and acts as COO of the largest art dealer on Earth, with galleries on land and sea, 3 million customers, and about half a million works of art sold each year and yet, his journey to this lofty position started with being “ketchup soup poor.” As a child, his family lived through abject poverty, but he managed to do well at school and find his niche in the business of art. But that doesn’t mean he immediately stopped thinking that he could end up back in dire straits.

Even though he has achieved success in life, Block still must manage his fear of failure and the thought that one mistake will wipe clean the entire slate and send him right back to the start. Logically, he knows that is not the case, but he has always operated from that position of fear.

Listen or watch to the entirety of the ‘Weapons Grade Imposter Syndrome’ episode on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform, and consider subscribing to Something More Human for more fascinating conversations. You’ll be treated to an authentic and unique behind-the-curtain look at John Block’s life in and out of the office and what it is like to modify behavior based on experiences and learn to live a happier, healthier life.

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