Artists / Trevor “Stickman” Stickel

Trevor “Stickman” Stickel

Trevor “Stickman” Stickel specializes in pop-realism paintings inspired by music and the musical artists that have and continue to shape us. With work that is every bit as gritty as it is fresh and complex in its construction but simple on the eyes, Stickman captures legendary moments, powerful ideas, and raw emotion like no one else working today.

Personal History

Using his inventive blend of realism, pop art, and impressionism, Stickman pays tribute to the icons of music history through works of art that explode off the canvas. Whether it’s Bowie, Jimi, Elvis, and The Stones or a Venus de Milo homage to legendary musical women, Stickman pulls no punches as he keeps alive the memory of rock-n-roll’s past and honors its bright, bold future.


Born in 1974, during the heyday of rock-n-roll grandeur that saw albums released by Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Queen, Kiss, and The Rolling Stones, among other luminaries, Stickman slowly graduated from a Jekyll and Hyde influence early in his career. He was dividing his time between family portraits and airbrush work on helmets and Harleys, before having an epiphany while reading “According to the Rolling Stones” — he would combine both styles to create something wholly his own. Two weeks later he finished his first canvas portrait of Mick Jagger, aptly titled “Please allow me to introduce myself,” which forever changed the direction of his career in the art world.

The genre of rock music was created on rebellion and inspired by a fight for freedom of expression. As an artist, this is something Stickman will always champion. The visceral need to express the romance in the juxtapositions of these worlds drives him to make visual the landscapes and lore of rock & roll once relegated to the record player and to capture the transcendental euphoria of stumbling out of the Roxy and the Troubadour at dawn next to the immortal legends of rock-n-roll.

Stickman’s journey to globally renowned creator has led him most recently to be featured in a solo Museum Exhibition at the Cornell Art Museum in January of 2024, an interview and feature and cover presence in February’s issue of Modern Drummer Magazine, an on-stage presentation to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Cheap Trick with a commissioned artwork, inclusion in important Private Collections, a commission for Allegiant Stadium, home of the Las Vegas Raiders of the NFL, and a significant donation to the Modern Drummer Frangione Foundation of his seminal work: “Watch Him As He Goes”.

Like a rockstar pouring their heart into song lyrics, lyrics that now serve as titles of his vibrant, intoxicating artwork, Stickman pays intense homage to the rock-n-roll legends that shaped the world, and many who are still doing so today. Through his artwork combining an intoxicating mix of pop art and realism, collectors around the world will forever hear the songs that changed their lives and feel those powerful emotions anew every time they stand before a Trevor “Stickman” Stickel painting.

To inquire about collecting the artwork of Stickman, attend one of Park West’s online auction weekends or contact a sales associate at either or 1(800) 521-9654 (option 4).

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